Vital Zing Fundraising

* Very competitive returns on products
* The fundraiser that continues to raise funds.
Discount codes specific to your fundraiser that gives back 10% of each order that uses your discount code.
* Information, product and order materials to make the process seamless.
* Flexibility with how you'd like your fundraiser to roll out.
* In most cases, no money upfront.
* The option of not having to commit to, or hold any stock.
Vital Zing Fundraising

What we're offering is a fundraiser that not only helps raise much needed funds, but also focusses on the importance of healthier alternatives and balanced lifestyles. Local communities, charities and schools have always been at the heart of what do but always look for ways to do more and what we saw were fundraisers that offered products that weren't necessarily great for the health and well being of the communities that supported them. That's when we decided to offer a healthier alternative to fundraising in New Zealand. A way we could assist with your fund raising goals by providing guilt free products that only contain natural ingredients and stay away from unnecessary ingredients like sugar, carbs and preservatives. For many participants it's provided a great opportunity to talk about things like the importance of hydration, the health issues surrounding diabetes and obesity in New Zealand and healthier alternatives. Education we hope is passed down to friends and family.

Our Vital Zing school fundraisers have already been very successful. A feel good fund raiser that offers great margins, no initial payments (collect orders and payment, then place your order once you're ready) and a fundraising kit to ensure everything is seamless as possible for you, your team and your supporters. We also offer your own ongoing discounts through our online store, the best bit is your fundraiser can earn a 10% commission on any sales using your discount code. Just another incentive many fundraisers can't offer and a way to continue raising funds without having to do anything else.

For more details or to get started please contact our fundraising team at / / 0800 848 259.